Category Archives: Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen need makeup remover?日焼け止めを塗るにはメイク落としが必要ですか?

We all know that sunscreen is a powerful aid to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays from the sun, rays from the computer, … and must always use them regularly. 日焼け止めは、太陽からの紫外線やコンピューターからの光線などから肌を保護する強力な補助手段であることは誰もが知っています…そして常に定期的に使用する必要があります。 Most of the women said that when using sunscreen it is not necessary to use makeup remover to clean the skin, but only cleanser […]

Reasons to use sunscreen now今日焼け止めを使用する理由

Many of us are often only interested in whitening skincare products and acne treatment but forget the habit of using a sunscreen every day. However, you should know that all your skincare and care products are meaningless without the protection of sunscreen. In the sun there is a lot of UV rays that will adversely […]

Should children use sunscreen or not?子供たちは日焼け止めを使うべきかどうか?

The sun contains UV rays that are not only harmful to the skin and health of adults but also children. In particular, babies have a very fragile horny layer, less melanin than adults, so the ability to absorb sunlight will be higher. Therefore, dermatologists have given a recommendation that parents should limit their children’s exposure […]

The secret to choosing the right sunscreen for youあなたにぴったりの日焼け止めを選ぶ秘訣

Did you know that 90% of the signs of aging on the skin are due to the impact of the sun, so in addition to using clothes, masks, and glasses to reduce UV damage, the Use of sunscreen is indispensable? However, do you know which sunscreen is right for you? Let’s learn the following simple […]

Warning corner: Unbelievable rumors about sunscreen.警告コーナー:日焼け止めについての信じられないほどの噂

Once covered, no sunscreen is required 覆われると、日焼け止めは必要ありませんWearing glasses, a hat, a mask, and sunscreen when going out does not mean that you are completely protected from UV rays. This rumor is completely inaccurate because clothes, masks, .. are not all UV resistant and still harm your skin.Now that there are UV-resistant clothing, you still need […]

Instructions for the correct use of sunscreen

The first thing to use the product properly is to choose the right product, ie choose the sunscreen that suits and works best for your skin.Currently, on the market there are many sunscreens for all skin types, from oily skin, dry skin, acne skin, .. or products that incorporate makeup function, improve skin tone,… There […]