Monthly Archives: January 2021

Reasons to use sunscreen now今日焼け止めを使用する理由

Many of us are often only interested in whitening skincare products and acne treatment but forget the habit of using a sunscreen every day. However, you should know that all your skincare and care products are meaningless without the protection of sunscreen. In the sun there is a lot of UV rays that will adversely […]

Do you make these mistakes when treating acne?にきびを治療するときにこれらの間違いをしますか?

Acne is one of the skin problems that cause the most headaches, so everyone wants to find an effective method to eliminate this condition. However, many people still make mistakes in the acne treatment process, causing it to flare up and affect the skin a lot. Here is a summary of common mistakes when treating […]

Should children use sunscreen or not?子供たちは日焼け止めを使うべきかどうか?

The sun contains UV rays that are not only harmful to the skin and health of adults but also children. In particular, babies have a very fragile horny layer, less melanin than adults, so the ability to absorb sunlight will be higher. Therefore, dermatologists have given a recommendation that parents should limit their children’s exposure […]

Skincare steps for people with acne にきびを持つ人々のためのスキンケアの手順

There are many causes of acne skin such as diet, hormone changes,… Therefore, for healthy skin and improved acne, you can refer to the skincare procedure below. Here you go.食事療法、ホルモンの変化など、にきびの皮膚には多くの原因があります…したがって、健康な肌と改善されたにきびについては、以下のスキンケア手順を参照してください。どうぞ。 Skin cleansingTo protect your skin from the effects of bacteria and dirt, the first thing to do is clean your skin every day. Currently, most […]